
Mia was recommended to me by a coworker of mine who is a nurse at a birth center. I never thought about hiring a doula, but the birth center required it. We hesitated due to the expense and my husbands fear of being "pushed aside." We were so wrong in what we imagined Mia's role would be.

Before I went into labor Mia was a huge support. Any questions I had, she was just a text away. She asked all of the right questions and really validated what I was experiencing as a first time mom.

During labor Mia was in contact with me through the night and willing to arrive whenever I needed her. One of the most relieving parts of her arriving was I stopped timing my contractions and let her take the lead. She offered me ideas and positions I would have never tried on my own. Between showering, going on walks, and sitting backwards on the toilet I found so much relief and progress in my labor. If she wasn't there gently offering these ideas I would have never changed positions.

One of my biggest fears was knowing when it would be the right time to leave my house. Mia suggested we wait longer before leaving for the birth center and when we arrived at the birth center I was 8-9cm. I know I would have never labored at home that long if it weren't for Mia.

During delivery Mia was a huge physical and emotional support for me. She physically held me up in the water so my husband could see the birth. She encouraged me to drink fluids. After delivery I was non emergently transferred to the hospital and Mia was up to date on all of the hospital policies and made sure to follow us to the hospital and be there for my husband and me.

After all of this Mia has continued to be supportive of me via texts and her follow up visit. I didn't think I needed a doula, but I know if and when we have another baby Mia will definitely be on my team again. Her help was priceless in giving me the birth experience I always wanted. We are forever grateful!” -T. S.

I’m so fortunate to have come across Mia’s profile when searching for a doula. Initially I did not think I’d hire a doula due to COVID-19 because I wanted someone to come to the hospital with me. After NJ changed the rules I immediately searched for a doula and found Mia. She was personable, understanding, and helpful. Mia empowered me to make informed decisions about my labor and birth. She met with me via FaceTime, we spoke via phone, and texted often. Mia, was thoughtful and would check in on me after appointments. She showed me that she truly cared about me and my baby. One thing that stood out is that I felt like I knew her forever after meeting one time.  I felt so comfortable with her from the beginning and never once awkward. Mia labored with me at my home for hours and then went to the hospital with us. She was with me for at least 24 hours and present the entire time. The work that she does as a doula is truly priceless. My husband was still able to participate and she showed him different strategies to help me labor. I’ll never forget her and my daughter will definitely know who she was and how she helped me. You will not regret having Mia as your doula! -E. G.

“I wasn't planning to use a doula at first, but when the birthing center I chose required it, I found Mia. And oh what a blessing that became! Mia was just a text or phone call away always - and made sure I felt comfortable reaching out whenever I had questions. When I went into labor, Mia respected my space by allowing me to labor at home with just the husband and dogs with me - just as I had requested. As soon as I asked for her to be at my side, she swooped in to guide me through the birth. She intuited anything I needed and just so quietly, unobtrusively, lovingly cared for me as I held my new baby. She stayed at my side when I went from the birthing center to the hospital (I needed stitches) and talked me through it all. She stayed with me until I insisted she go home to her own family. 

Her energy in the room brought such an air of peace and love as my baby girl was born. Having her at my side was like having my sister or very best friend with me - someone who I couldn't feel any self-consciousness around. My husband, who suffers from social anxiety, also felt entirely at ease with Mia - and kept commenting on how her beautiful eyes and calming aura made our experience so much better. 

Mia is, simply put, an angelic creature. Just looking into her unbelievably stunning eyes is assurance of her heavenly presence. She helped to turn the birth of my daughter into an even more spiritual experience! Thank you, Mia!” -K. G.

“The way Mia was found for me to hire as my doula was just as divine as she was during my whole pregnancy/labor process. She was remarkable. When I first met her for the consultation to see if a doula was right for me, she immediately showed her love and compassion for what she does which made my decision to hire her so much easier. She was thorough in explaining her role for not only me but for my partner and family too, but better yet giving me the chance to explain all that I wanted and was concerned with as she provided me with reassurance with each of her words. After finally making her my official doula we had video calls to help prepare me and my family for what’s to come which was extremely helpful. She made sure to follow up with me to see how I was doing and she always managed to do it at the perfect timing. When my water finally broke and it was time to go to the hospital, she was there immediately walking me along the way with what the doctor and nurses were going to do/say before it was done which allowed me to best prepare for every choice I needed to make. During the labor process she was able to soothe me so perfectly and attended to my every needs. She stood with me to the very end and helped me deliver a beautiful babygirl. I don’t know what I would have done without Mia there, but all I know is I would recommend her to anyone looking for a doula a million times. She is a pure, genuine, loving, powerful person to have by your side during such a meaningful time in a soon to be mother’s life. She helped make me feel empowered throughout my whole pregnancy and filled me with so much ease. The labor process as I learned is unpredictable, but if you are able to control at least the person you have by your side to support you along the way there’s no better choice than Mia.” -K.S. 

“I didn’t think I would ever need a doula but once meeting Mia and having her present I now understand why they are much needed. Mia did an amazing job. She not only supported and comforted me but she did the same for my family as well. Thank you so much :)” -J. D.

“In order to have a natural birth I hired Mia to help me out, and let me tell you, I never once felt that our relationship was a business deal. She threw her whole self into my labor providing me with physical and emotional support. I honestly mean it when I say that I couldn’t have done my labor without her. She showed such love, care, concern, affection, support, and kindness throughout my whole labor. In the beginning of my labor things were kind of refusing to progress. Mia suggested a soothing walk to help things along and we chatted on the way. She offered to do a photo shoot of me and my husband which was so fun! As things got more intense, I experienced pain like I had never experienced before. I was pushed to my max- but G-d sent me Mia because without her I wouldn’t have been able to handle my physical pain and the emotional panic that things were so much harder than I had ever anticipated. She stayed close when I wanted her next to me and further away when I wanted space. She has such great instincts and I truly feel a strong bond with her for providing me with that support. Mia’s love and support was what I needed most, and she gave her full self to me before, during, and after my labor. I highly recommended her to anyone who wants more than just a regular doula but someone who will give you her all in terms of love and care, friendship and concern. I think I said this already multiple times but I could not have done it without her! Thank you Mia for your tremendous outpouring of love.” -A. F.

“I met her a few months before giving birth and hired her on the spot. I immediately felt comfortable, like she was a friend. She is in tune, caring, inspired, hardworking, loving and skilled. The hospital had rigid regulations and she came up with ideas to support me in full, even with their rules. She was kind to the medical staff and very sensitive and warm to my husband. She made my birth so much more pleasant than my other births. She was so hands on and caring!” -R. S.

“Mia is wonderful!!! Her voice is very soothing and it is very helpful during labor. She massaged my lower back during my early labor and it felt good that it released some pressure. She brought me cool towels and water just in time without me asking for them. The postpartum visit was very nice. I really felt supported both mentally and emotionally. I would definitely recommend Mia!!!” -H. C.

“I instantly felt as if Mia was an old friend. It was so comfortable for my husband and me to meet with her. The support that Mia offered during my labor and birth with phenomenal! Instinctively, she knew when to come close and when to back away. Her physical strength, massage, and hands on approach were so helpful. Mia helped to ease my pain and anxiety. She created a relaxing environment through music, candles, and her calm demeanor. I look back at my birth as a beautiful and positive experience and it's all because of Mia! I hope Mia will come with me for my next birth.” -R. H.